Performance Improvement – Agriculture

In modern day agriculture, you need to optimise operations in order to produce more crop for lower input costs. Therefore, evaluating and improving operations is a key component to increasing the bottom line. This can be achieved by critically evaluating each operation and creating action plans that will result in performance improvements.

For example:

  • Better scheduling of irrigation events to minimise water use and to maximise water use efficiency;
  • Adapting harvesting operations to increase efficiency and minimise losses;
  • Accurately matching fertiliser regimes to crop nutrient requirements;
  • Using technology to improve efficiencies and productivities;
  • Adopting the latest best management practices through knowledge transfer.

Booker Tate has significant international experience in supporting existing sugarcane enterprises to achieve more at lower production costs. As Booker Tate specialists work worldwide, our clients benefit from our extensive knowledge of the best practices to improve performance.

Recent experience includes:

Sudan Introducing new practices and technology to arrest yield decline after the introduction of full mechanisation of production. This included agronomic, mechanisation, irrigation and Research and Development advice.

Papua New Guinea Full time technical support to maximise cane production from reducing land area under the constraints of high weed pressure, reliance on rainfall and naturally occurring pests and diseases. This included agronomic advice on pest and disease control and mechanisation advice for operations and harvesting.

Eswatini Booker Tate provides technical advice to assist the client with their project to replace inefficient irrigation systems with more efficient subsurface drip irrigation. This includes all aspects from re-engineering the bulk water system to improving cropping practices to maximise the benefits of the conversion.

Booker Tate’s team of sugarcane specialists has the knowledge and experience to rapidly identify problem areas and to formulate action plans to address deficiencies that are best suited to the client’s individual needs. Booker Tate’s experts are able to advise clients on the full crop cycle from land preparation to post-harvest crop management.

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